Hui, the last time I participated in the old year tztztztz * * that is not so! So note to self: Every Thursday join again!
first Are you a sun worshiper or nightshade family?
The good Lord has blessed me with a darker skin color, that is, when I was in the early days of sunshine a smear consistent and not overdo it, I can all summer like a steak fry in the sun However, I usually have a hat on his head, sunburn on the scalp is evil, sunstroke, and also has much more to the young over so ne example.
second Would you eat mushrooms you've collected yourself?
clear, but still! Last fall we have a whole basket of collected brown caps and Maron boletes and cooked with creamy mushrooms dumplings from it. The rest was frozen.
we adhere consistently to the varieties, however, to be correctly identified.
third With whom did you spend your time as a child most like? Who now?
with my friend Sabine, with which I am still close friends. Now I spend my time most comfortable with people I care about. I cleared out my list and I am therefore quite indeed a few "friends" poorer, but more satisfied. The so-called "energy robbers" I need not absolute!
Otherwise, I enjoy spending time with my two men and I can cope quite well with me alone.
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